Initial Proposal

Last update: July 16, 2024

The Initial Proposal is an output of the NTIA Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Program. It is the “first draft” of the Final Proposal for BEAD grant funding, and, among other things, explains how Hawaiʻi ensures every resident has access to a reliable, affordable, and high-speed broadband connection.

Volume 1

Volume 1 of the Initial Proposal details how Hawaiʻi will execute the BEAD Challenge Process. Notably, this volume also defines community anchor institutions, outlines all Federal funding the State anticipates for broadband related projects, and features the list of unserved and underserved locations considered under the BEAD program.

Volume 2

Volume 2 of the Initial Proposal outlines critical components to the execution of the BEAD program in Hawaiʻi through 2027. This volume includes how funding will be competitively awarded for broadband deployment, the stakeholder engagement process, workforce initiatives, planned expenditures to support the execution of BEAD, and more.

Submit Public Comment

The UH Broadband Office (UHBO) thanks all those who submitted public comments on the BEAD Initial Proposal draft. The official public comment period for the Hawaiʻi BEAD Initial Proposal closed on December 10, 2023. UHBO reviewed and considered public comments for inclusion in the Initial Proposal. A list of all those who submitted public comments, as well as a document of all received public comments, are available below.

The UHBO submitted the final drafts of the Initial Proposal on December 26, 2023, which included any public comments that were included in the final submission to the NTIA. Feedback on the Initial Proposal will continue to be accepted, with a chance for consideration in subsequent BEAD outputs, and may be issued:

  1. Via email to
  2. Via telephone at 808-956-6602
  3. In writing via mail to:
Information Technology Center
Attn: Susan Hirai
2520 Correa Road 4th floor
Honolulu, Hawaii 96822

Initial Proposal Supplemental Documents

Unserved & Underserved Location Files

Dec 2023 version (Latest)

Jun 2023 version

Dec 2022 version

Community Anchor Institutions

Community Anchor Institutions by County

Hawaiʻi Island


