
In 2007, the Hawai‘i Legislature created the Hawai‘i Broadband Task Force to

“remove barriers to broadband access, including gaining wider access to public rights-of-way; identify opportunities for increased broadband deployment and adoption, including very high-speed broadband services; and enable the creation and deployment of new advanced communication technologies in Hawaiʻi (Act 2, First Special Session 2007)”.

After a year of fact finding, deliberations, and report writing, the task force published its final report and recommendations. This report concluded that for Hawai‘i to effectively compete in the global economy to support its community with necessary essential services, including education, healthcare, and social services, the State must invest in its broadband infrastructure to ensure that every citizen has access to robust, reliable, and affordable broadband services

Since the Taskforce Report, two editions of the Hawaiʻi Broadband Strategic Plan (2012 and 2020) were published, outlining the broadband goals for our state. In August 2021, the governor’s office designated the University of Hawaiʻi as the lead coordinator of all broadband initiatives in the state. This led to today’s Connect Kākou as we know.

The goals outlined in both versions of the Strategic Plan and the Task Force Report have since been adapted into benchmark goals in the Hawaiʻi BEAD Five-Year Action Plan published in July 2023, which defines the top priorities for broadband and digital equity investments, the challenges and barriers our State will face, and the projects planned and underway to achieve universal service by 2030.

Below is a timeline of the activities to date that Hawaiʻi has accomplished, as well as other important milestones achieved during the #InternetForAll era.


  • Aug 5, 2021 – State of Hawaiʻi brief on broadband and digital equity after COVID-19
  • Aug 21, 2021 – University of Hawaiʻi announced as State’s lead broadband coordinator
  • Jan 2022 – Hawaiʻi Dept of Budget & Finance executes contract for Capital Project Funds (CPF)
  • Mar 2022
    • University of Hawaiʻi launches broadband website
    • University of Hawaiʻi releases a Request for Proposals (RFP) for site survey & pre-permit work
  • May 2022 – National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) releases Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for BEAD, Digital Equity, and Middle Mile
  • Jun 2022 – Hawaiʻi submits BEAD Planning Funds application
  • Jul 2022 – Hawaiʻi submits Digital Equity Planning Grant application
  • Sep 2022 – Hawaiʻi submits CPF grant and program plans
  • Nov 2022
    • NTIA awards BEAD Planning Funds to Hawaiʻi
    • NTIA awards Digital Equity Planning Funds to Hawaiʻi
    • NTIA issues press release for all awards to Hawaiʻi
  • Apr 27, 2023 – US Dept of Treasury approves Hawaii’s CPF plan to fund connections for Hawaii Public Housing Authority (HPHA)
  • Jun 26, 2023 – NTIA announces $149.5 million BEAD funding allocation for Hawaiʻi
  • Jul 29, 2023 – Hawaiʻi submits its BEAD Five-Year Action Plan to NTIA
  • Nov 7, 2023 – Gov. Josh Green and Lt. Gov. Sylvia Luke announces Connect Kākou
  • Dec 8, 2023 – UH releases a Request for Proposal for the State’s BEAD Challenge Process Portal
  • Dec 27, 2023 – Hawaiʻi submits its BEAD Initial Proposal Volume 1 & 2 to NTIA
  • Jan 25, 2024 – UH announces public-private partnership with Ocean Networks to construct inter-island HIFL cable
  • Mar 26, 2024 – NTIA approves Hawaiiʻs State Digital Equity Plan
  • Apr 30, 2024 – Lt. Gov. announces $1 billion Google Pacific Connect Initiative
  • Jul 16, 2024 – NTIA approves Hawaiiʻs BEAD Initial Proposal
2021-2022 key milestones achieved related to broadband for Hawaii
2023-2024 key milestones achieved related to broadband for Hawaii