Welcome to Bridge to Hope (BTH). We offer in-person, Zoom & phone appointments.
IF you are a First-to-Work referred participant please call (808-956-9313) or email direct (bthinfo@hawaii.edu) to connect with the UH Bridge to Hope Coordinator. Questions regarding Eligibility can be emailed.
Bridge to Hope (BTH) is an education option for welfare recipients and First-to-Work participants who want to attend college as a means of achieving lifelong economic self-sufficiency.
Our program can assist with on-campus student employment and other services to help welfare (TANF) recipient students succeed in their educational goals.
Eligibility questions are directed to the FAQ Section. We invite you to explore the rest of the site as well. Various applications are on the Downloads Section.
BTH is a branch of the SEED office and is available on all 10 UH campuses.
BTH is located in QLCSS #211, Center for Student Services.
The Executive Summary of the 2016 Bridge to Hope Participant Survey.
Free life insurance
for eligible parents!
Art that inspires the Bridge to Hope program and reflects its goal of college success for all of Hawaii. Mural is located on the second floor of Bachman Hall. Click here to enlarge the picture.