Personal Home Page Policies
The server that the UH Personal Home Pages resides on is administered by Information Technology Services (ITS) and is intended to allow faculty, staff, and students space to create personal home pages. We wish to retain the ability to publish pages for our users and we intend to do so by informing our users of the basic policies and by obtaining their cooperation.
Below are some of the more prominent points to remember regarding the computing policies:
Responsibility for Content
The content of all the UH Personal Home Pages is solely the responsibility of the individual authors; UH Information Technology Services (ITS), the University of Hawaii (UH), and the State of Hawaii are not responsible for its content. ITS will not monitor content except if it becomes necessary to investigate complaints or allegations that such content violates federal, state, or local laws or University of Hawaii policies.
ITS, UH, and the State of Hawaii are also not responsible for the content of every page accessible from the UH Personal Home Pages (i.e., external links).
All policies which apply to the university's computing and network resources (including the Executive Policy Use and Management of Information Technology Resources and the Student Conduct Code) apply to the UH Personal Home Pages. These shall include the following:
- No illegal material (which may include sexually explicit/offensive images or sounds, and copyrighted or licensed material)
- No pages created for commercial purposes
- No deliberate acts which waste computing resources or which unfairly monopolize resources to the exclusion of others
Any violation of these policies may result in the incident being brought before the Dean of Students and/or University of Hawaii legal entities for disciplinary action.
Appropriate Content
Due to inherent limitations of the the Personal Home Pages (20MB storage space limit, lack of content support, no non-HTML language support), we recommend that Perosnal Home Pages be used for personal purposes. However, a user may host academic class materials or other materials/information for academic purposes if they wish. A faculty or staff member who requires functionality beyond the scope of what the Personal Home Pages offers should use departmental web space and not the Personal Home Page service. Faculty and staff should contact their departmental IT Specialist for web space on their official college/department Web server.
Mr/Ms (Over) Popularity
Because the UH Personal Home Pages is a shared resource, it is an inappropriate place to offer any service (whether it be commercial or otherwise) that is likely to attract a large volume of network traffic from the Internet. ITS may investigate any pages that are generating an abnormal amount of traffic.
Creating Personal Homepages
To get started, or for more information on how to create your own personal homepage, please visit the following article: Creating Personal Homepages.