Browser Recommendations for ITS-Supported Web Applications
Browser Recommendations
The following browser recommendations are for ITS-supported web applications and are based on coordinated testing efforts between the ITS Help Desk and the developers for various ITS-supported web applications. Because of the rapid changes to modern web browsers, please check the matrices of test results for Windows browsers and Mac OS browsers frequently, as browser test results will be posted as soon as they are available.
Windows Browser Matrix
macOS Browser Matrix
Microsoft Edge
Microsoft Edge is included with Windows 10 and higher, and it can be updated via Windows Updates. ITS supports the versions included with the currently supported Windows versions.
Safari is included with macOS and can be updated through the Mac App Store. ITS supports the versions included with the currently supported macOS versions.
The latest version of Google Chrome and the version immediately preceding it are supported by ITS. See Chrome Releases blog for details on the current version.
Chrome 45 and later does not support NPAPI plugins, such as Java, Silverlight, and Flash.
ITS supports the latest version of Firefox and the version immediately preceding it. Additionally, support is provided for the latest ESR release.
As of version 52 and later, Firefox does not support NPAPI plugins such as Java and Silverlight.
- System Requirements (Latest Release)
- System Requirements (ESR)
- Download Latest Release
- Download Latest ESR
- Updating Firefox
Factors for Recommendations
While individual users and departments may have specific browser preferences, the recommendations are based on many factors:
- Testing
- Manufacturer support
- Operating System
- Range and number of users.
- Consistency
Recommendations are the result of extensive testing, when possible, and reflect what works best for each application. ITS does not favor a particular browser and recommends what provides the best user experience.
Some applications are purchased externally, so recommendations and requirements come directly from the manufacturer. For example, the Peoplesoft and Banner systems have specific browser recommendations that are not set by ITS.
Operating systems may come with a specific browser version pre-installed and recommendations will not go backwards to lower versions. For example, Windows 7 comes with IE 8, so recommendations are for that version or higher. Note also that browsers can run differently under various operating systems. Thus, recommendations vary depending on the OS.
The ITS Help Desk provides support to all University users. With the broad range and large number of users across the system, it is necessary at some point to discontinue support for older/out-dated browser versions and stay up-to-date with newer releases.
The ITS Help Desk also provides support for many applications across the system and every application, whether developed in-house or purchased externally, has unique requirements. The recommendations aim to provide consistency for users such that upgrading does not adversely affect the use of other applications. Therefore, recommendations are not always for the most current browser versions and ITS may not be able to provide definitive recommendations for current versions until full testing across applications is complete. The matrices will indicate when partial, but not comprehensive, testing has been done for a browser version to provide the best available results at any given time.
Helpful Tips
- Upgrading
- Version numbers
- Use what works
Before upgrading your operating system or browser, consult with the ITS Help Desk to verify that upgrading will not adversely affect the applications you use.
Browser versions can be very specific. Version numbers reflect changes to the browser's code, either because new features have been added or updates have been included to fix previous bugs. If you experience problems, make sure you are running a version that is properly supported.
The recommendations provided are what the ITS Help Desk currently supports and has tested. In some cases, applications may work using versions not listed in the browser matrices. However, if you experience problems with versions not listed in the browser matrices, the Help Desk will encourage the use of supported and tested browser versions.