Enabling Hawaiian Diacritics on macOS

Hawaiian diacritics can be produced using the Hawaiian keyboard built into macOS in macOS 10.11 and above. (Note: Hawaiian diacritics my not be available in all applications and fonts)

Enabling Diacritics on macOS 13

  1. Go to the Apple menu (upper left corner of the screen) and select System Settings
  2. In the left hand column click on Keyboard
  3. Click the + button on the bottom left of the page
  4. Under the "Text Input" section, on the "Input Sources" line, click on Edit
  5. Click the + button on the bottom left of the page
  6. In the left hand column, click Hawaiian, then click Add
  7. Click on Done
  8. The Hawaiian keyboard should now be enabled


Enabling Diacritics on macOS 11 and 12

  1. Go to the Apple menu (upper left corner of the screen) and select System Preferences
  2. Click the Keyboard icon
  3. Click the + button on the bottom left of the page
  4. Click the Input Sources tab
  5. In the left hand column, click Hawaiian, then click Add
  6. The Hawaiian keyboard should now be enabled

Using Diacritics on macOS

  1. Click on the US icon (used to be a flag icon) located on the right side of the menu bar that's at the top of the screen
  2. Select Hawaiian for the Hawaiian keyboard
    1. To input the`okina, use the single quote key (‘) thatʻs on the right of the keyboard, next to the return key
    2. To input the kahakō (line above a vowel), hold down the option key (on either side of the keyboard) and press the desired vowel key



This article is part of the Hawaiian Diacritics article.
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Article ID: 428
Created: Wed, 15 Dec 2004
Modified: Wed, 19 Jul 2023 7:36am