Data Center Services Memorandum of Agreement Procedures
The purpose of the Data Center Service (DCS) Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) is to establish a billing agreement between Information Technology Services (ITS) and departments subscribing to data center services.
Data Center Services are defined as virtual machines (VM’s) and ancillary services and products and physical space at the Information Technology Center (ITC) Data Center.
STEP 1: Filling out the Form
The direct link to the form is The (form) Submitter is usually the person requesting DCS.
The link to the main page of Kuali Build where you can access saved forms is
All fields indicated with an * are required fields for initial submission.
DEPARTMENT APPROVAL: Enter the name of the person responsible for approving the DCS and select their name from the drop-down menu.
TITLE: The title of the person listed as DEPARTMENT APPROVAL.
DEPARTMENT NAME: The department name for this request
CAMPUS: Select the campus the service is for using the drop-down menu.
FISCAL ADMINISTRATOR: The name of the Fiscal Administrator responsible for the account code to charge for the services.
DATA CENTER SERVICE: The Data Center Service this MOA will cover.
ACCOUNT CODE TO CHARGE: The account to charge for the corresponding DCS.
ACTIONS: While working on this form, you can save at any time by clicking on the “Save” button. When you have completed the form, click on the “Submit” button. If you change your mind on getting DCS, click on the “Discard” button.
TO RETURN TO A SAVED FORM: Go to the Kuali Build page ( Click on the “Action List” at the top of the page. This will list the forms you have saved.
STEP 2: Departmental Approval
Once the Submitter clicks on the Submit button, an email will be sent to the person listed as the Departmental Approval. The email will be sent from Kuali Notifications <> with the subject “Your APPROVAL is required: Data Center Service Agreement - Departmental Approval”.
If the information is correct, the Departmental Approver may approve the MOA by clicking on the Approve button. If not, the Departmental Approver may make changes to the information entered on the form then Approve. Or they may Deny the MOA and a notification will be sent back to the Submitter.
STEP 3: Fiscal Administrator Approval
If the MOA is approved by the Departmental Approver, an email will be sent to the person listed as the Fiscal Administrator. The email will be sent from Kuali Notifications <> with the subject “Your APPROVAL is required: Data Center Service Agreement - FA Approval”.
If the information is correct, the FA may approve the MOA by clicking on the Approve button. If not, the FA may make changes to the information entered on the form then Approve. Or they may Deny the MOA and a notification will be sent back to the Submitter.
STEP 4: ITS Approval and Completion
If the MOA is approved by the Departmental Approver and the FA, the form will be sent to ITS for approval. Once approved, an email will be sent to the Submitter, Departmental Approver, FA and the data center team with the final information on the form (Department Name, Account Code to Charge, Data Center Service). The email will be sent from Kuali Notifications <> with the subject “Data Center Service MOA Approved”.
Workflow Summary