How Do I Reactivate a Recently Expired Username?
If your UH Username expired within the past 6 months you can perform a self-service reactivation of your UH Username.
Click on “Get a UH Username!”
On the “Check Status Form”, enter your First Name, Last Name, UH Number or Social Security Number and Date of Birth and click on “Check Status”
If your UH username expired within the 6 months, you will be presented with the screen "You have a recently expired UH Username". If you do not have this option, please contact the ITS Help Desk.
Enter the answers to your two secret questions and click on "Reactivate UH Username".
On the following page, click on the checkboxes to agree to the policies and enter a new password that meets all requirements, then click on "Activate UH Username". You should see a page that displays "UH Username Activated".