UH Login Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) - Getting started with your first device UH Login Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) - Getting started with your first device

For more information about UH Login and Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), go to www.hawaii.edu/its/uhlogin.

Before going through this article, please review UH Login Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) - Which authentication method should I use? to determine which authentication method suits your situation best. Once you have decided which method to use, use this document to register your first device. This document will explain how to register a mobile device, landline, or tablet as your first device to use for MFA.

We strongly recommend registering at least 2 devices. For example: a smartphone and an office landline. Please refer to UH Login Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) - Managing Devices for information on managing registered devices, or UH Login Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) - Adding Devices for information on registering additional devices.


Setting up a Smartphone


Although the screenshots and instructions that follow are for an iPhone, the steps are the same for iPhones and Android phones, except for identifying the type of smartphone.


  1. Login to the UH Login MFA Device Registration site at www.hawaii.edu/its/uhlogin/device-reg.
  2. If you have not yet registered any devices, you will see the following screen. Click on the Get Started button, then proceed to Step 4.

  3. If you have already setup a device, click the square labeled Add a device.

  4. Click Duo Mobile.

  5. If necessary, select the country of your phone. Type your phone number, including area code (no parentheses or dashes are needed). Double check that the correct phone number is shown immediately beneath the box. If so, check the box next to the phone number. Click on Continue.

  6. Confirm that the number shown is correct, then click Continue.

  7. If you have downloaded the Duo Mobile app to your phone, go to the next step. If you have not yet downloaded the Duo Mobile app to your phone, follow the directions within the box to download. You can also visit one of the following links from your smartphone (not your computer):
    iOS: Duo Mobile for iOS
    Android: Duo Mobile for Android
    [Note: to download from the Google Play Store, you need to be logged in with a gmail.com account or enrolled in Consumer Apps.]

  8. Once you have downloaded the app to your phone, or if you already have the app downloaded to your phone, click on Next.

  9. You will see a barcode displayed.
    Open the Duo Mobile app on your phone. If you are asked if you want to allow Duo Mobile to send Notifications, please allow notifications.

    Press the + icon in the upper right corner, or press on the Add Account button. Select Use QR code. If you are asked if you want to allow Duo Mobile to access the Camera, please allow access.

    Point your phone's camera (the camera's display should be shown on the phone's screen) at the barcode. Once the barcode is properly within the display, it will automatically be recognized. You can tell it was successful if you see a green checkmark within the barcode.

    After the green checkmark appears, you should see an Added Duo Mobile screen. Click on Continue.

  10.  You should see the message Setup completed! This means that you have successfully registered your smartphone. You can now leave the webpage.

    For further information on the Duo Mobile app, please refer to Duo's guides:
    iPhone: https://guide.duo.com/iphone
    Android: https://guide.duo.com/android

Setting up a Landline

  1. Login to the UH Login MFA Device Registration site at www.hawaii.edu/its/uhlogin/device-reg.
  2. If you have not yet registered any devices, you will see the following screen. Click on the Get Started button, then proceed to Step 4.

  3. If you have already setup a device, click the square labeled Add a device.
  4. Select Phone number.

  5. If necessary, select the country of your phone. Type your phone number, including area code (no parentheses or dashes are needed). Check the This is a landline phone box.

  6. If you do not have an extension, click Skip this step. If you have an extension, type it in the Extension box. Click Add extension.

  7. Check that the correct phone number is displayed. Once confirmed, click Yes, it’s correct.

  8. Click Continue.

  9. If you have a tablet or smartphone available, it is recommended to setup Duo Mobile on one of those devices. Click Duo Mobile and see instructions to add Duo Mobile to a tablet/smartphone:
    Tablet: Setting up a Tablet
    Smartphone: Setting up a Smartphone
    If you do not have a tablet or smartphone available, click I don’t want to add another option.
  10. You should see the message Setup completed! This means that you have successfully registered your landline. You can now leave the webpage.

Setting up a non-Smartphone Cellular Phone

  1. Login to the UH Login MFA Device Registration site at www.hawaii.edu/its/uhlogin/device-reg.
  2. If you have not yet registered any devices, you will see the following screen. Click on the Get Started button, then proceed to Step 4.

  3. If you have already setup a device, click the square labeled Add a device.

  4. Select Phone number.
  5. If necessary, select the country of your phone. Type your phone number, including area code (no parentheses or dashes are needed). Double check that the correct phone number is shown immediately beneath the box. Click Continue.
  6. Check that the correct phone number is displayed. Once confirmed, click Yes, it’s correct.

  7. Click Continue.

  8. If you have a tablet or smartphone available, it is recommended to setup Duo Mobile on one of those devices. Click Duo Mobile and see instructions to add Duo Mobile to a tablet/smartphone:
    Tablet: Setting up a Tablet
    Smartphone: Setting up a Smartphone
    If you do not have a tablet or smartphone available, click I don’t want to add another option.

  9. You should see the message Setup completed! This means that you have successfully registered your phone. You can now leave the webpage.

Setting up a Tablet

  1. Login to the UH Login MFA Device Registration site at www.hawaii.edu/its/uhlogin/device-reg.
  2. If you have not yet registered any devices, you will see the following screen. Click on the Get Started button, then proceed to Step 4.

  3. If you have already setup a device, click the square labeled Add a device.

  4. Click Duo Mobile.

  5. Click I have a tablet.

  6. If you have downloaded the Duo Mobile app to your tablet, go to the next step. If you have not yet downloaded the Duo Mobile app to your tablet, follow the directions within the box to download. You can also visit one of the following links from your tablet (not your computer):
    iOS: Duo Mobile for iOS
    Android: Duo Mobile for Android
    Note: to download from the Android Play Store, you need to be enrolled in Consumer Apps or logged in with a gmail.com account]

  7.  Once you have downloaded the app to your phone, or if you already have the app downloaded to your phone, click on Next.

  8. You will see a barcode displayed.
    Open the Duo Mobile app on your phone. If you are asked if you want to allow Duo Mobile to send Notifications, please allow notifications.

    Press the + icon in the upper right corner, or press on the Add Account button. Select Use QR code. If you are asked if you want to allow Duo Mobile to access the Camera, please allow access.

    Point your phone's camera (the camera's display should be shown on the phone's screen) at the barcode. Once the barcode is properly within the display, it will automatically be recognized. You can tell it was successful if you see a green checkmark within the barcode.
  9. After the green checkmark appears, you should see an Added Duo Mobile screen. Click on Continue.

  10. If you have a phone available, it is recommended to add this device to Duo. Click Phone number and see these instructions to add Duo Mobile to a phone:
    Smartphone: Setting up a Smartphone
    Landline: Setting up a Landline
    Non-smartphone Cellphone: Setting up a Non-smartphone Cellphone
    If you do not have a phone available, click I don’t want to add another option.

  11. You should see the message Setup completed! This means that you have successfully registered your tablet. You can now leave the webpage.


This article is part of the Getting setup for Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) article.
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Article ID: 1680
Created: Thu, 14 Jan 2016 2:21pm
Modified: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 6:06am