Verdaderos Versos de Macario Romero

True Verses of Macario Romero

Broadside, etching, continued verso, 1912
12" x 8"

The brave and chivalrous Mexican valiente, Macario Romero, was extolled for decades in new editions of the same corrido. He was a soldier in the Cristero revolts of the 1870s that opposed the government's attempt to lessen the influence of the Roman Catholic church. Romero and his men advocated traditional values and sought to recover the church's influence and its expropriated properties. Romero's romance with the daughter of the provincial governor caused his downfall. Invited to a dance by the governor's daughter, and filled with love and self-confidence, he disobeyed his general, who ordered him not to attend the event. Walking into a trap, he was shot five or six times and died after bidding adiós to his beloved.