If you have correctly navigated this identification key, you may have Wasmannia auropunctata, the "little fire ant."

A writing pen is included in this picture to demonstrate the very small size of these ants (photo courtesy of the Hawaii Department of Agriculture).

Wasmannia auropunctata is less than 2 millimeters in length, orange/brown in color, and very slow-moving and sluggish. It has long, pointy spines on the propodeum, 2 nodes (petiole and postpetiole), and 2 grooves on the front of the head where the antennae can lay at rest (antennal scapes).

If your specimens do not fit these characteristics, please start over with the key or send an email if you believe the key is flawed.

Please deliver your specimens to, or call the Hawai`i Department of Agriculture office on your island. If you are not sure of the location of the nearest office, you can send an email.

Many mahalos for your participation in the effort to monitor and protect the Hawaiian Islands from introduced species!

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