43. Page element has no description

no description incorrect example

Description: An element of the type ‘object’ is present but the element does not have an alternative text. Provide a description of the content, within the ‘object’-tags.

Context: All elements should have a clear indication of what they are. Usually semantic elements can handle this, however since ‘object’ is a generic tag, it is impossible to understand the intent of the object without some type of description.

<object data="https://manoa.hawaii.edu/wp/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/UHM-all-gender-restrooms-map.pdf"></object>

How to fix it: When providing an alternative text you help screen reader users identify the object and its purpose.

<object aria-label="Campus bathroom map" data="https://manoa.hawaii.edu/wp/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/UHM-all-gender-restrooms-map.pdf"></object>

Techniques: H53