Fuel Oil Polishing Company of Hawaii, Inc. (FOPCO)

91-255 Hanua St.
Honolulu, HI 96707

Tel:  (808) 682-7161
Fax:  (808) 682-4178
E-mail:  FOPCO@att.net
WWW:  Not available
Contact:  Mr. Dennis C. McElrath, RME

Company Description
Environmental-construction general contractor specializing in the removal, installation, and associated clean-up of USTs, ASTs, petroleum pipeline systems, wash-racks, and oil/water separators. Licensed electricians.

Bioremediation Services Provided
1. Engineering consulting
2. Contracting
3. Equipment service
4. Other: labor and equipment services for various sizes and types of clean-ups

Bioremediation Technologies Offered
In-situ and surface bioremediation. Groundwater biostimulation and treatment.

Specific Information on Bioremediation Technologies and Services
FOPCO owns two vapor extraction machines, numerous pumps and equipment for bio-filling, stimulation, handling, and placement.

Previous and On-going Bioremediation Projects




Projecte Description


Big Island

 Petroleum retailer

 Assisted client and consultant with biostimulation and vapor extraction in-situ treatment.




 Provided groundwater airation system to stimulate bio-activity of petroleum contaminated groundwater.



Petroleum retailer

 Removed, stockpiled and agitated biopiles for consultant.

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