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What We Do

The Office of the Vice President for Academic Strategy (OVPAS) is responsible for facilitating and overseeing the establishment of academic programs and majors, and for developing and aligning policy and procedures relating to academic and student support system-wide.

SCR 201 consultation

Policies currently under review

Administrative Procedures

Policies Updated

Administrative Procedures

Executive Policies

EP 2.202, Safety and Protection of Minors

EP 5.201, Approval of New Academic Programs and Review of Provisional Academic Programs

EP 5.205, Academic Programs, Definitions and Guidelines

EP 5.223 Graduate Assistants

EP 5.231, Microcredentials

EP 6.204, Student Financial Assistance

EP 6.205, Reimbursement of Tuition and Fees for Any Student who becomes Totally and Permanently Disabled or Recently Deceased or Deployed Active-Duty Military, Hawai‘i National Guard, and Reservists


Office of the Vice President for Academic Strategy

2444 Dole Street
Bachman Hall 204
Honolulu, HI 96822

  (808) 956-6897


Last modified: September 13, 2024
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