The University Council on Articulation (UCA) is a system-wide governance and review body falling under the auspices of the Office of the Vice President for Academic Strategy (OVPAS) and established under UH Executive Policy 5.209, University of Hawaiʻi System Student Transfer and Inter-Campus Articulation. The UCA (a) coordinates the articulation process, (b) oversees the inventory of articulated courses and programs, and (c) serves as the official forum for resolving operational issues related to EP 5.209. The Council makes recommendations to the Council of Chief Academic Officers (CCAO) and reports out to the VPAS and STAR personnel.
Members of the UCA are appointed by the Vice President for Academic Strategy, in consultation with the Chief Academic Officers. Membership is drawn from all ten UH Campuses and includes representatives from CCAO, campus Registrars, the All Campus Council of Faculty Senate Chairs (ACCFSC), the Academic Advising and Transfer Network (AATN), and the undergraduate student body.
Alan Rosenfeld, Associate Vice President for Academic Programs and Policy, UH System (convener)
Denise Abara, Associate Director of Student Academic Services, UH Mānoa (through June 30, 2025)
Harald Barkhoff, Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, UH West O‘ahu (through June 30, 2026)
Christine Beaule, Director of Workforce Development, UH System
Masen Lapinad-Sorgent, Student, Kapi’olani Community College (through June 30, 2025)
Kahele Dukelow, Interim Associate Vice President, UH Community Colleges (through June 30, 2025)
Kathy Ferguson, Professor of Political Science, UH Mānoa (through June 30, 2026)
Andrea Hazzard, Director of Academic Advising, UH Mānoa (through June 30, 2027)
Kulamanu Ishihara, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, UH Maui College (through June 30, 2026)
Willy Kauai, Director of Native Hawaiian Student Services, UH Mānoa (through June 30, 2026)
Chelsea Kay-Wong, Registrar, UH Hilo (through June 30, 2025)
Kanoe Lambert, Pathway Coordinator, Hawaiʻi Community College (through June 30, 2027)
Carrie Larger, Director and College Success Advisor, UH West O‘ahu (through June 30, 2026)
Tiana Loo, Academic Program Officer, UH Community Colleges (through June 30, 2027)
Laura Nagle, Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, UH Maui College (through June 30, 2027)
Rosalie Paradise, Education Specialist, UH Mānoa (through June 30, 2027)
Brent Rubio, Associate Professor of Chemistry, Honolulu Community College (through June 30, 2025)
Sherise Tiogangco, Registrar, Hawaiʻi Community College (through June 30, 2026)
In Process:
Undergraduate student member from a baccalaureate degree granting campus