Board of Regents Policy 8.209 Board of Regents Policy 8.209




Regents Policy Chapter 8, Business and Finance
Regents Policy RP 8.209, Gifts
Effective Date:  Mar. 13, 2008
Prior Dates Amended:  Aug. 25, 1960; Oct. 18, 2002; Oct. 31, 2014 (recodified)
Review Date:  August 2018

I. Purpose

To set forth policy regarding gifts.

II. Definitions

No policy specific or unique definitions apply.

III. Board of Regents Policy

    A. The board, by statute, shall be the official recipient of all gifts to the university. Gifts or bequests to the university with inappropriate conditions attached to them shall be refused. Gifts without conditions may be accepted by the president on behalf of the board. Gifts with conditions, regardless of value, shall be considered for acceptance by the board.

IV. Delegation of Authority

Gifts without conditions may be accepted by the president on behalf of the board. See RP 8.209(A).

V. Contact Information

Office of the Board of Regents, 956-8213,

VI. References

VII. Exhibits and Appendices

No Exhibits and Appendices found


    approved as to Form:    
    Cynthia Quinn    
    October 31, 2014    
    Executive Administrator and Secretary of the Board of Regents


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