UH System Policies and Procedures
Board of Regents Policies
1. General Provisions
2. Administration
3. Organization
4. Planning
5. Academic Affairs
- 201. Instructional Programs
- 202. Awards for Excellence in Teaching
- 203. Distinguished Academic Chairs
- 204. Affiliations and Cooperating Agencies with non University Entities
- 205. Academic Calendar
- 206. Establishment and Review of Centers and Institutes
- 207. Graduate Programs
- 208. Conferring of Academic Degrees, Diplomas and Certificates
- 209. Honorary Degrees and Regents’ Medals, and University Distinguished Professor
- 210. Distance Education and Offsite Instruction
- 211. Admissions
- 212. Early Admission Policies
- 213. General Education
- 214. Student and Credit Transfer within the University
- 215. University Centers
- 216. Library
- 217. University of Hawai‘i Press
- 218. Implementation of Policy
- 219. Emeritus/Emerita Title
6. Tuition, Financial Assistance, and Fees
7. Student Affairs
8. Business and Finance
9. Personnel
10. Land and Physical Facilities
11. Miscellaneous
12. Research
- Abolished Policies (Post Oct. 2014)
- Archived RP
- Executive Policies
- Administrative Procedures
UH‐Related Laws and Rules
- Hawaiʻi Revised Statutes (HRS) 304A
- Hawaiʻi Administrative Rules (HAR) Title 20
Board of Regents Policy 5.214 Board of Regents Policy 5.214Title
Student and Credit Transfer within the University
Regents Policy Chapter 5, Academic Affairs
Regents Policy RP 5.214, Student and Credit Transfer within the University Effective Date: Oct. 18, 2002 Prior Dates Amended: July 22, 1994; Oct. 31, 2014 (recodified) Review Date: August 2018 I. Purpose
To establish policy on student and credit transfer within the university.
II. Definitions
No policy specific or unique definitions apply.
III. Board of Regents Policy
A. The university, as a comprehensive state-wide system, offers instruction in a wide variety of programs throughout the state. As a unified system of postsecondary education, it is important that the maximum degree of coordination and cooperation exists among campus instructional units in order to ensure the efficient utilization of available resources. This coordination and cooperation can offer wide opportunities to residents of Hawai‘i by permitting them to start their education at one campus and, through productive study in a planned program, succeed in achieving their educational objective by graduating from another campus.
B. It is the policy of the board that those students who can benefit from transfer and who desire to meet their educational goals by transfer are assisted through appropriate counseling and advising, and efficient student and course transfer procedures. The transfer experience should be made as simple and predictive as possible. Unreasonable institutional barriers to transfer should be eliminated. C. All university and campus policies and practices affecting student and course transfer shall be periodically reviewed to ensure that they are: 1. Founded on sound academic principles; and 2. Designed and implemented in a manner which facilitates the smooth flow of students towards successful completion of their postsecondary educational goals. D. Reports on the status of student and credit transfer within the University of Hawai‘i will be provided upon request by the board. IV. Delegation of Authority
There is no policy specific delegation of authority.
V. Contact Information
Office of the Board of Regents, 956-8213, bor@hawaii.edu
VI. References
A. http://www.hawaii.edu/offices/bor/
B. See Chapter 12 VII. Exhibits and Appendices
No Exhibits and Appendices found
Approved Approved as to Form: Cynthia Quinn October 31, 2014 Date TopicsNo Topics found.AttachmentsNone |