Executive Policy 8.208 Executive Policy 8.208




Executive Policy EP 8.208
Executive Policy Chapter 8, Business and Finance
Executive Policy EP 8.208, Travel
Effective Date:  October 2014
Dates Amended:  April 2011; July 2000
Responsible Office:  Office of the Vice President for Budget and Finance/Chief Financial Officer
Governing Board of Regents Policy:  RP 8.207, Travel
Review Date:  August 2018

I. Purpose

A. To delegate responsibility to authorize and approve travel plans and expenses to Vice Presidents, Chancellors, Vice Chancellors, Deans, and Directors.

B. To ensure that University employees, students and any others who travel on approved University business, use University resources responsibly and prudently.

C. To ensure University travel policies and procedures comply with federal and state laws.

II. Definitions

    No policy specific or unique definitions apply.

III. Executive Policy

A. All official travel should be prudently planned so that the best interests of the University are served at the most reasonable cost.  Any individual traveling on University business is expected to exercise the same economy that a practical person would exercise when traveling on personal business using personal funds.  Individuals shall not incur inappropriate or excessive expenses, or gain financially from the University travel.  Excessive costs or unjustified costs are not acceptable and will not be reimbursed.

B. The individual requesting reimbursement from the University is responsible for insuring that expenses and related reimbursement requests comply with applicable policies, is properly authorized and is supported with necessary receipts and documentation.

C. No person shall approve his/her own travel request and expenses.  Travel authorization shall be approved by the next higher authority over the requester.

D. University travel policies and procedures shall comply with external regulations, such as State of Hawai‘i laws and federal cost regulations under OMB Circular A-21, Internal Revenue Code tax regulations, and National Collegiate Athletics Association (NCAA) regulations.

E. Travel connected to a contract or grant shall be authorized by the funding agency.  Individuals shall be familiar with specific cost allowability provisions of their sponsored program.

IV. Delegation of Authority

A. Authority is delegated to Vice Presidents, Chancellors, Vice Chancellors, Deans and Directors or designee to approve travel plans and travel expenses

B. Individuals who have been delegated authorization to approve travel are responsible for exercising discretion in determining that travel expenses are reasonable and appropriate and may deny payment or reimbursement of travel expenses.

V. Contact Information

Subject Matter Experts
 JR Kashiwamura
Office of the Vice President for Budget and Finance and Chief Financial Officer at 956-8903

VI. References

    A. Link to superseded Executive Policies in old format https://www.hawaii.edu/policy/archives/ep/

    B. Link to Administrative Procedures in old format https://www.hawaii.edu/policy/archives/apm/sysap.php

    C. AP 8.851 – Employee Out-of-State and Intra-State Travel http://www.hawaii.edu/svpa/apm/disb/a8851.pdf

    D. University of Hawai‘i eTravel website - http://www.hawaii.edu/etravel/

VII. Exhibits and Appendices

No Exhibits and Appendices found


    David Lassner    
    October 31, 2014    


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