Honorary Degrees
The Honorary Doctor of Humane Letters is awarded by the Board of Regents to individuals distinguished by their national or international reputations or accomplishments in scholarship, public service, profession, industry or other areas.
UH Executive Policy on awarding of honorary degrees.
2023 Recipients
- Kumu Edith Kekuhikuhipuuoneonaaliiokohala Kenao Kanakaole, Contributions to the revitalization of Hawaiian language and culture
- Kumu Frank Kawaikapuokalani Hewett, Contributions to Hawaiian music and hula, and promotion of Hawaiian culture and arts
- Kumu Jerald Kimo Alama Keaulana, Contributions as an historian, educator, leader, kumu hula and advocate for the Hawaiian arts, language, culture and history
2022 Recipient
- Chef Tylun Pang, contributions to UHMC culinary program
2019 Recipients
- President Barack Obama, 44th President of the United States
- General Eric Shinseki, public servant and military commander
2017 Recipient
- Richard R. Clifton, judge
2016 Recipient
- Charles Nainoa Thompson, navigator
2015 Recipients
- Robert Masuda, public servant
- Martha Nussbaum, professor of law and philosophy and author
- Thomas Ervin Moffatt, Lifetime commitment and work in the entertainment industry for the state of Hawaii
- U Than Oo, Education leader in Myanmar
- Henk Brouwer Rogers, Lifetime commitment to the environment
2014 Recipients
- Richard Kekuni Blaisdell, Lifetime commitment to Native Hawaiian health
2013 Recipients
- Edward “Eddie” Leilani Kamae, Musician and filmmaker
2012 Recipients
- Daniel Akaka, Former United States Senator
- Haruki Murakami, writer
- W.S. Merwin, Poet Laureate
2011 Recipients
- Shinichi Maehara, Okinawan scholar
- Gordon E. Moore, Intel Corp founder
2010 Recipients
- Patti Lyons, family and child advocate
- Dale Chihuly, glass artist
- Bernard and Barbro Osher, community leaders
2009 Recipients
- Abigail Kawananakoa, cultural preservationist
- Jerry Yang, search engine co-founder
- Agnes Cope, culture and health advocate
- Albert Wendt, educator and writer
2006 Recipients
- Shen Xiaomei, Jingju master
- Tommy Lasorda, baseball great
2005 Recipients
- Pualani Kanahele, kumu hula
- Genoa Keawe, legendary Hawaiian musician
- Kaoru Kashiwagi, Japanese attorney
2004 Recipients
- Earl E. Bakken, pioneer pacemaker designer
- David C. Cole, executive and environmentalist
- Charles K. Nishioka, self-made businessperson
2003 Recipients
- Henry Kuualoha Giugni, Congressional figure
- Richard Dean Parsons, AOL Time Warner CEO
2002 Recipients
- Marcel Marceau, French mime
- Elizabeth M. Birch, civil rights advocate
- Robert R. Midkiff, businessman/philanthropist
2001 Recipient
- Edward G. Seidensticker, Japan scholar
- Kim Dae Jung, president of South Korea and Nobel Prize winner
- Lech Walesa, human rights supporter, former Poland president and Nobel Peace Prize recipient, 1999
- Toshiko Takaezu, master potter, 1993
- Thomas Yagi, 1993
- Monsignor Charles Kekumano, priest, 1993
- Richard Wong, state senator, Bishop Estate trustee, 1993
- Robert Oshiro, co-founder, Hawaii Democratic Party and state legislator, 1993
- Calvin Sia, Kapiolani Medical Center trustee, 1992
- Betty Vitousek, Family Court judge, 1992
- Danny Kaleikini, entertainer, 1991
- Alfred Preis, founder, State Foundation on Culture and the Arts, 1991
- Masaru Pundy Yokouchi, chair, State Foundation on Culture and the Arts, 1991
- Hubert Everly, dean emeritus, UH College of Education, 1991
- Ralph Kosaki, superintendent of education, 1991
- Shimeji Kanazawa, Kuakini Health System trustee, 1990
- Saburo Okita, chair, Institute for Domestic and International Policy Studies, 1990
- Lloyd R. Vasey, founder, Pacific Forum, 1990
- William Fulbright, U.S. senator, 1990
- Herbert C. Cornuelle, James Campbell Estate trustee, 1989
- Hung Wai Ching, retired businessman, 1989
- Dai Ho Chun, retired educator, 1989
- Kan Jung Luke, chairman, Hawaii National Bank, 1989
- Edward Nakamura, Supreme Court associate justice, 1988 (DH)
- Ah Quon McElrath, social worker, 1988 (DH)
- Soedjatmoko, United Nations University rector, 1988 (DH)
- Yehan Numata, founder, Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai, 1988 (DH)
- Kenneth F. Brown, architect, former legislator, 1987 (DH)
- Beatrice Krauss, ethnobotanist, 1987 (DH)
- Mau Piailug, navigator and explorer, 1987 (DH)
- Claude DuTeil, founder and head, Institute for Human Services, 1987 (DH)
- Bhumibol Adulyadej, king of Thailand, 1986 (DH)
- Robert J. Pfeiffer, chairman and CEO, Alexander & Baldwin, 1986 (DH)
- George R. Ariyoshi, governor of Hawaii, 1986 (DH)
- D. Carleton Gajdusek, laboratory chief, National Institutes of Health, 1986 (DH)
- George Fukunaga, chairman, Servco Pacific, 1985
- Wallace Fujiyama, attorney, 1985
- Baron Goto, 1985
- Masaji Marumoto, justice, 1985
- Allen Neuharth, chairman and CEO, Gannett Company, 1985
- Mike Mansfield, ambassador, 1983 (DH)
- Chinn Ho, businessman, 1983 (DH)
- Soshitsu Sen, grand tea master, 1983 (DH)
- Spark M. Matsunaga, U.S. senator, 1983 (LD)
- John D. Bellinger, chairman, First Hawaiian Bank, 1982 (LLD)
- Arthur Joseph Goldberg, justice, 1982 (LLD)
- Richard K. Lyman Jr., Bishop Estate trustee, 1982 (LLD)
- MasayukiTokioka, businessman, 1982 (LLD)
- Emma Farden Sharpe, educator, 1981
- Gladys Aiona Brandt. educator, 1981
- Abraham K. Akaka, pastor, Kawaiahao Church, 1980 (HHD)
- Daniel K. Inouye, U.S. senator, 1979 (LLD)
- Yasunari Kawabata, Nobel Prize in Literature, 1970 (LittD)
- Earl Warren, former chief justice, U.S. Supreme Court, 1970 (LLD)
- Georg Von Bekesy, UH Hawaiian Telephone Co. Chair in Science and Nobel Prize winner, 1969 (LLD)
- Hubert H. Humphrey, U.S. vice president, 1966 (LLD)
- Ferdinand Marcos, Philippines president, 1966 (LLD)
- John Anthony Burns, governor of Hawaii, 1964 (LLD)
- Taizo Ishikawa, Japanese businessman, 1964 (LLD)
- Clark Kerr, University of California president, 1964 (LLD)
- Diosdado Macapagal, president of The Philippines, 1964 (LLD)
- Joseph Francis C. Rock, botanist, 1962 (DSc)
- David Timmins Fullaway, entomologist, 1962 (DSc)
- Robert Leavitt Cushing, PRI, 1962 (DSc)
- Leonard David Baver, Hawaii Sugar Planters Association, 1962 (DSc)
- Herbert A. R. Austin, 1962 (DSc)
- Arturo Frondizi, president of Argentina, 1962 (LLD)
- Philip E.Spalding, UH regent (chair), 1961 (LLD)
- Charles H. Edmondson, UH professor emeritus, 1961 (DSc)
- Lyndon B. Johnson, U.S. vice president, 1961 (LLD)
- Dwight D. Eisenhower, former U.S. president, 1960 (LLD)
- James H. Shoemaker, Bank of Hawaii, 1960 (LLD)
- Mary K. Pukui, Bishop Museum, 1960 (DLitt)
- Max Levine, UH research associate, 1960 (DSc)

President Harry Truman receiving degree, 1953
- Daisetz T. Suzuki, Japan author, 1959 (LLD)
- Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, vice president of India, 1959 (LHD)
- Hu Shih, ambassador to U.S., 1959 (HHD)
- Alexander Spoehr, Bishop Museum, 1959 (DSc)
- Arthur E. Orvis, retired industrialist, 1959 (HHD)
- Albert J. Mangelsdorf, Hawaii Sugar Planters Association, 1959 (LHD)
- Robert P. Griffing Jr., director, Honolulu Academy of Arts, 1959 (DFA)
- Raymond Coll, Editor, Honolulu Advertiser, 1959 (LittD)
- Mayling S. Chiang, Chinese intellectual, 1959 (LLD)
- Riley H. Allen, editor, Honolulu Star Bulletin, 1959 (LittD)
- Fred A. Seaton, U.S. secretary of interior, 1959 (LLD)
- Felix B. Stump, CINPAC administrator, 1958 (LLD)
- David L. Crawford, UH president emeritus, 1957 (LLD)
- Carlos P. Garcia, Philippines president, 1957 (LHD)
- Ezra T. Benson, U.S. secretary of agriculture, 1956 (LLD)
- Ralph S. Kuykendall, UH historian, 1956 (LHD)
- Gregg M. Sinclair, UH president emeritus, 1956 (HHD)
- Walter F. Dillingham, president, O.R. & L., 1955 (LLD)
- Carlos P. Romulo, ambassador to U.S., 1955 (LHD)
- Harry David Gideonse, president, Brooklyn University, 1955 (HHD)
- Mme. Vijaya Lakshmi, Indian intellectual, 1954 (HHD)
- Charles F. Chillingworth, legislator, 1954 (LLD)
- George Barati, conductor, Symphony Orchestra, 1954 (DMus)
- Arthur H. Sulzberger, editor, New York Times, 1954 (HHD)
- Samuel W. King, governor of Hawaii, 1953 (LLD)
- Louis M. ÄHacker, dean, Columbia, 1953 (LLD)
- Hiram L. Fong, legislator, 1953 (LLD)
- Adna G. Clarke, ROTC, alumni secretary, 1953 (LLD)
- Harry S. Truman, U.S. president, 1953 (HHD)
- Milburn L.Wilson, director, U.S. Extension, 1953 (HHD)
- Frederick Ohrt, Department of Water Supply, 1952 (DSc)
- Oren E. Long, Superintendent, DPI, 1952 (LLD)
- Colin G. Lennox, Department of Agriculture, 1952 (DSc)
- Rufus C. Harris, president, Tulane University, 1952 (DCL)
- Elbert D. Thomas, high commissioner, Trust Territory, 1951 (LLD)
- Cyril E. Pemberton, Hawaii Sugar Planters Association, 1951 (DSc)
- Leslie A. Hicks, president, Hawaiian Electric Co., 1951
- Daniel L. Marsh, president, Boston University, 1951 (HHD)
- Oliver C. Carmichael, university president, 1950 (LHD)
- Mary D. Frear, UH regent, 1943 (DLitt)
- Arthur R. Keller, UH administrator, 1942 (DSc)
- George G. Wilson, Harvard professor, 1937 (LLD)
- Walter F. Frear, governor of Hawaii, 1937 (LLD)
- Alexander Meiklejohn, president, Amherst, 1937 (LLD)
- Helen S. Carter, patron, 1937 (MA)
- C. Montague Cooke, Bishop Museum, 1936 (DSc)
- Edwin R. Embree, Rosenwald Foundation, 1936 (DLitt)
- Col. Allen W. Guillon, U.S. Army, 1934 (LLD)
- Margaret Bergen, UH professor, 1934 (MA)
- Nell Findley, department head, 1933 (MA)
- Stanley D. Porteus, Psychology Clinic director, 1933 (DSc)
- Edward M. Ehrhorn, Board of Water Supply, 1932 (MS)
- Tatsuki Harada, president, Doshisa University, 1932 (LLD)
- Anna C. Cooke, art patron, 1931 (MA)
- Ethel M. Damon, author, 1931 (MA)
- Thomas G. Thrum, author and editor, 1931 (MA)
- Frederick E. Muir, Hawaii Sugar Planters Association, 1924 (DSc)
- G. Howard Hitchcock, painter, 1924 (MA)
- Gerrit Wilder, UH professor, 1924 (MS)
- Frederick Krauss, UH professor, 1921 (DSc)
- Sanford B. Dole, governor of Hawaii, 1919 (LLD)
- Marion M. Scott, DPI, 1919
Honorary Degree Conferee

Charles Nainoa Thompson
Conferred May 14, 2016
Nainoa Thompson is the Executive Director of the Polynesian Voyaging Society. Since 1976, he has played an integral role in the design, construction, sailing, and navigation of the Hawaii Maritime Center's double-hulled voyaging canoe, Hokulea.
Thompson studied non-instrument navigation, or wayfinding, under master navigator Mau Piailug of Satawal, Micronesia. Thompson is the first Hawaiian to practice the art of wayfinding on long distance ocean voyages since such voyaging ended around the 14th century. His first long voyage took place in 1980, when he navigated Hokulea from Hawaii to Tahiti and back. In 1985-87, he navigated Hokulea without instruments across Polynesia from Hawaii to New Zealand and back, stopping at islands along the way while covering more than 16,000 ocean miles. Thompson has trained other Hawaiians and Polynesians in the art of wayfinding and led a revival of traditional arts associated with voyaging in Hawaii and Polynesia. In 1992, Thompson again took Hokulea to Rarotonga for the Sixth Pacific Arts Festival celebrating the revival of traditional canoe building. In 1995, Thompson directed a voyage entitled «Na Ohana Holo Moana The Voyaging Families of the Vast Ocean,» that took three Hawaiian canoes Hokulea, Hawaiiloa, and Makalii to Tahiti, where they were joined by five other Polynesian canoes from the Cook Islands, NewZealand, and Tahiti. These, with the exception of the Tahitian canoes, then sailed to the Marquesas, to Hawaii, and back to their homeland. The Hokulea and a companion canoe, the Hikianalia are currently on the Malama Honua Worldwide Voyage, which will travel the globe to grow a global movement toward a sustainable world. The voyage will cover 47,000 miles, 85 ports, and 26 countries over its three-year duration. Mr. Thompson plays an integral role in this truly epic voyage.
Another of Mr. Thompson's current endeavors is developing an educational program for the school children of Hawaii to teach them about Polynesian voyaging traditions and instill them with pride in their ancient sea faring heritage. The program will emphasize not just knowledge about ancient traditions, but also modern scientific knowledge about the ocean and sky and environmental principles based on traditional values for insuring the conservation of resources and a safe, healthy, sustainable future for Hawaii.