Statement of Interim President David McClain regarding next steps in the UARC review process

University of Hawaiʻi
Mia Noguchi, (808) 956-9095
External Affairs & University Relations
Posted: Dec 5, 2005

More than a year ago, the Board of Regents, responding to an initiative of the then-UH Mānoa Chancellor Peter Englert, gave their provisional approval to the establishment of a University Affiliate Research Center for the U.S. Navy on the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa‘s campus. Before giving final approval, the Regents required that the campus complete work on a contract for the proposed center, and complete the normal consultation process on the campus.

Thanks to the leadership of Chancellor Denise Konan, Vice Chancellor for Research Gary Ostrander, Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance Kathy Cutshaw, and in particular to the initiative of Mānoa Faculty Senate chair Robert Bley-Vroman and his colleagues, both conditions have now substantially been met.

As her statement indicates, the consultation process on the campus revealed opposition from several faculty and student constituencies, some of which was based on the content the contract itself, which is for a unique kind of UARC. As a result of this consultation and analysis, the Chancellor has stated that she does not recommend proceeding with the contract.

As I promised several months ago, the next step in the process is to hold an open informational meeting for the Board of Regents at which all on our campuses and in the community will have a chance to share their perspective on this issue; no Board decision on this issue will be taken at this informational meeting, which will be held sometime in January, after classes are back in session. Some time after this informational meeting, I will recommend a course of action to the Regents.